Best Indoor Cycling Bikes – Tested & Reviewed Exercise Bike For Home Workouts
Indoor cycling is all about freedom. While you can certainly get some cardio at the gym, this freedom really shines when you own your indoor bike. When you have your own stationary bicycle, you can choose when to exercise, how long to exercise, and how hard to exercise.
You can exercise in the comfort of your own home while watching your TV and listening music. Best of all, you don’t have to leave the house!
When it comes to indoor bicycles, however, there are many, many options. In order to help your purchasing decisions, we’ve selected the best indoor bikes on the market.
Each of these bikes offers its own unique take on the stationary bike idiom. Some come along for the ride and find out everything you need to know about the best indoor cycling bikes on the market today.
Best Indoor Cycling Bike Reviews
Keiser M3i Indoor Cycle Black
While it’s a bit pricey, the Keiser M3i Indoor Cycle is probably the best stationary bike on the market. It’s got virtually everything you’d want, from customizable gearing to combo pedals to adjustable handlebars and seating.
In order to compete with other modern bikes, it’s even got Bluetooth integration and phone and tablet features. If you want a fantastically smooth, durable ride, the Keiser is a great choice.

Easy to use that’s not all it offers, however. You won’t disturb anyone else in your house while you use this Keiser, either, since it’s virtually silent. The handlebars have multiple use positions, so you can emulate your favorite riding style.
Finally, it’s got adjustable wheels on the stand and a water bottle holder so you can stay hydrated while you exercise.
There are a few small downsides to this Keiser, but they’re not big. First off, the LCD screen is pretty basic. It shows you everything you need to know, including your heart rate, time, gear, and total trip distance.
Still, it’s not the kind of display you’d expect from a pricey bike in this day and age. Luckily, you can hook it up to your phone, tablet, or computer via Bluetooth for a fancier display via a companion app.
The other downside is that it’s fairly expensive. Online prices vary, of course, but there’s a decent chance that this bike simply isn’t within your budget. If you’re a cycling enthusiast, however, it’s very much worth the cost.
The combo pedals, gearing, and multiple handlebar positions mean that it’s far closer to riding a performance road bike than any other stationary bike we’ve seen.
Sunny Health & Fitness Pro Indoor Cycling Bike
The Sunny Health and Fitness Pro Indoor Cycling Bike is a pretty unique product in this decade. It’s an mechanical affordable bike, with no electric components whatsoever. This means that it’s got no timer, no heart monitor, and no lap counter.

On the other hand, it’s got a very nice 40-pound flywheel, incredibly durable construction, and rides smoothly and quietly.
Does your bike really need a computer?
While you might find the lack of electronics on this Sunny a bit offputting at first, it’s not a big deal for most home users. You’ve got access to a plethora of timers throughout the house as well as your phone, TV, and stereo system.
With all of the electronics you already have, you’ll hardly miss the LCD panel on other bikes. Still, it’s a bit inconvenient to have to manually count calories and twist a physical knob to adjust the resistance on the flywheel.
This Sunny features a good bike seat that’s easily switched out as well as adjustable, multi-grip handlebars. The quality flywheel and low price make it the bike of choice for many small gyms around the country.
If you’re not too interested in programmable modes, trip counters, or heart monitors, it might make a great addition to your house, too.
Sole Fitness SB700 Exercise Bike
The Sole Fitness SB700 exercise bike is an astoundingly solid choice for cycling enthusiasts who want a modern LCD display. It’s got all of the features you’d expect from a top stationary bicycle, including an adjustable seat, adjustable handlebars, pedal straps, and more.

More importantly, however, it’s got a hefty 48-pound flywheel complete with brake pads for smooth operation.
Unlike other electronic-equipped indoor cycling bikes, this Sole Fitness has a manual resistance knob. This is both a plus and a minus. On one hand, it means you don’t have to plug it into power for functionality. Even without batteries in the LCD computer, you’ll be able to make full use of this bike.
On the other hand, however, it doesn’t have push-button resistance controls or programmable modes. If you want to simulate going up and down hills, you’ll need to turn a knob a few times by hand.
Incredible Display Still, the snazzy LCD display alone is enough to make you fall in love with this bike. It displays Kcal burned, your current RPM, how fast you’re traveling, and how far you’ve gone in a high-tech format that’ll make you feel like you’re in the future.
Plus, the frame’s construction and visible flywheel tie into this futuristic aesthetic. This is definitely one of the best-looking stationary bikes on the market.
It’s worth noting that while the LCD and looks are pretty neat, this is an astoundingly high-performance stationary bicycle. If you’re a serious cyclist, it’s tough to beat the heavy flywheel and excellent warranties that this model offers.
You’ll want to look up the details for yourself, but we’re pretty impressed with the warranty coverage that this Sole comes with for free. If you want a sturdy bike that’ll keep up with your intense exercise, this Sole Fitness is a great choice.
Fitleader FS1 Indoor Stationary Exercise Bike
This Fitleader FS1 Stationary Exercise Bike uses magnetic resistance to deliver nearly silent performance. While it’s not the best choice for serious cycling enthusiasts, the quiet operation and fully-featured LCD panel make it perfect for people who just need a little bit of cardio.

You can relax, throw on your favorite TV shows, and let this bike’s built-in pulse monitors do all of the thinking for you. At the end of your shows, you’ll have burned plenty of calories!
While the pedals and seat that this bike comes with are fairly nice, they’re both easily switched out for your favorite brands. This lets you customize exactly the way the pedals hold your feet or how the seat feels while you ride.
While the flywheel is fairly light (about 14 lbs.), the quiet operation and 8 resistance levels still make for a smooth, comfort bike ride while you exercise.
Finally, the LCD tracks all of the slats you need, including your pulse, calories burned, and how fast you’re going.
The biggest downside to this Fitleader is the lighter flywheel. Serious cycling enthusiasts are definitely going to notice the difference that this makes.
While you can turn up the resistance, you’ll feel a lot less momentum behind the bike when you pedal. This means that you can’t really build up “speed” Instead, you’re simply working against friction as you work out.
For casual indoor cyclists, this isn’t a huge deal. This bike might feel a bit different than the ones you ride at the gym, but it’s just as effective at getting your heart rate up and burning calories. For serious cyclists, however, there are better options on the market.
Bottom Line
Each of the four choices above represents a unique take on the stationary bicycle. But what’s the best indoor cycling bike around? The answer, it depends. If you don’t mind the cost or you’re a serious outdoor cyclist, the Keiser M3i is probably the best choice.
If you’re on a budget and don’t particularly need electronics, the Sunny Pro is a strong contender. If you want a cheap bike for some casual cardio, the Fitleader FS1 is probably the best choice.
Finally, if you want something in between, with a sturdy flywheel and a snazzy LCD display, the Sole SB700 is an excellent choice. By matching your needs and budget to the appropriate bike, you’ll be able to find the best fit for your unique situation.
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